Longer days, budding trees, and the first blooms of the season—these are nature’s cues that spring is arriving! But another sure sign? The return of migratory birds making their way back to Toledo. Here's a glimpse of the feathered friends you can expect and tips on how to attract them to your backyard.
Early Spring Arrivals
- Mid-April: Look out for the vibrant Ruby-throated Hummingbirds making their way back.
- Late April to Early May: The melodious songs of warblers begin to fill the air, with species like the Palm Warbler and Yellow-rumped Warbler leading the way.
- Mid-May: Peak migration! This period witnesses a surge in diversity. Species such as Magnolia Warblers, Blackpoll Warblers, Bay-breasted Warblers, Cuckoos, Indigo Buntings, and Bobolinks are commonly spotted.
How To Make Your Backyard a Hotspot For These Migratory Birds
- Nectar Feeders: Install nectar feeders by mid-April to attract Ruby-throated Hummingbirds. Ensure the nectar is fresh and free from red dyes.
- Mealworm Offerings: Providing live mealworms can entice insect-eating birds like warblers and buntings. This protein-rich food source is especially beneficial during migration.
- Diverse Seed Mixes: Offer a variety of seeds, such as black-oil sunflower seeds, to attract a broader range of species. Tube feeders filled with these seeds can be particularly effective.
- Water Sources: Ensure a fresh water supply for drinking and bathing. Adding a birdbath can significantly increase your yard's appeal.
For those eager to observe these migrations up close!
- Magee Marsh: Renowned for its warbler sightings, especially around mid-May.
- Oak Openings Preserve: This unique habitat attracts species like bluebirds, indigo buntings, and whip-poor-wills.
- Pearson Metropark: Its dense woods make it a favorite stopover for a wide variety of migrating birds.
By preparing your backyard with the right feeders and food sources, you can play a pivotal role in supporting these migratory birds on their journey. Plus, you'll enjoy the vibrant sights and sounds of spring right at home!
Happy Birding! 🐦🌿